Date: Saturday, January 25th, 2025
Fee: $TBD
*Entry fees Do Not include Buy-Ins (2-man team/Skins/CTP’s)
Stroke and Distance: New Local Rule (
California MAGA Hall of Fame members: San Jose Chapter -Albert Venegas, Peter Garza, Pres Miranda, Ron Alvarado, Paul Curiel, and Mike Cunningham. San Jose MAGA is all about golf; playing golf, making friends and having fun. We have monthly tournaments from Monterey to Stockton, and our players are from 1 to 36 handicap. To become a member, contact us for club information and on how to join. See the link with our tournament schedule.
Our mailing address is: San Jose MAGA 2670 So. White Rd., Ste. 90 San Jose, CA. 95148