Say hello to, Pres (Presiliano) Miranda!

Pres has been a member of MAGA for 60 years. One of our oldest members! He went to high school in the Valley and played on their Golf Team, Class of 1957.

Soon after Pres married, he moved to San Jose and began working at a Furniture company. In his twenties, Pres seen an article in the paper about a group of guys starting a golf club. He decided to join the group after his first outing.

Then in 1962/1963, the group decided to appoint Frank Gomez, (known for his golf experience) from Fresno as the president of MAGA with 8 members. In 1983, Pres joined the newly formed chapter San Jose MAGA; and the rest is history.

Since then, Pres has played in these MAGA events:

  • 7 Western Regional Golf Championships
  • 30-40 State Championships
  • 30-40 Northern Councils

Many accomplishments for Pres throughout the years, including many ups and downs as he described having developed the “yips” towards the middle of his golf career (The yips is a neurological condition that causes involuntary muscle spasms in golfers, most often when they are putting.) Close to quitting golf all together he decided to go with the long putter and thanks to the new style of putter he continued to play golf.

We are glad to call him a friend and a long time member. Pres’ home course and current place of residence; The Villages in San Jose, CA. He occasionally gets creative with his woodworking skills as a hobby when he is not golfing and chooses to relax until his next round with the club and or friends.

Pres wanted to close with mentioning that San Jose MAGA is a great club to play for, is a proud member and would like to see the club grow with new young members to keep the club going.

Previous Member Highlights


San Jose MAGA is all about golf. Playing golf, making friends and having fun. We have monthly tournaments from Monterey to Livermore and Pleasanton, and our players are from 1 to 36 handicap. To become a member, contact us for club information and on how to join. See our Monthly Tournament page for schedule. Not only will you become a member of the Mexican American Golf Association (San Jose Chapter), but also a Member of the NCGA (Northern California Golf Association).

Contact Mark Lara for more information

Pay your Membership fees using Zelle.